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Brian DeMint

Fine Art Portraiture

In this fast paced hands-on class we will be covering a shoot from conception to capture… topics will be creativity, styling, setting the mood, posing, lighting and shooting. We will be shooting two beautifully styled fashion models and will be discussing a plethora of topics. Bring your cameras, your questions and your notebooks!

David & Whitney Scott

Using Psychology in Pricing & Sales


With backgrounds in Psychology the Scotts will show you ways they utilize principles of psychology and economics in every aspect of their business. From controlling perceptions to maintaining lifelong clients and creating a high end pricing structure, be prepared to rethink everything you thought you knew about success. Special emphasis will also be placed on strategically crafting a lucrative first year baby plan.

Jessica Edwards

Pricing Outside the Box


"How much should I charge for an 8x10 in my area? Unfortunately, there's no magical formula to solve to get the right answer. There are many factors that goes into how much you should charge for your work. In this class, we will discuss the factors that you should and those that you should not take into consideration when determining your value. By looking at your overall financial goals and working backwards, you'll be able to figure out how much you need to charge to reach those goals. By setting up a pricing menu that allows your pictures to sell themselves, it can be easier than you think to make the profit you desire. You don't have to be a great sales person to get great sales! We'll also discuss effective in-person sales techniques that ANYONE can do. No high-pressure, used car salesman techniques…just effective sales strategies that can easily help you double, maybe even triple your sales average."

Jessica Edwards

Studio Lighting & Posing Demystified


In this class, Jessica will begin by teaching the fundamentals of posing. Once you learn what the rules of posing are, you can combine them to create dynamic and interesting poses. You can't talk about posing without discussing lighting - they go hand-in-hand. Jessica will begin the lighting discussion by teaching light metering and very basic studio lighting setups. Then, she will build up to more complex lighting patterns. Whether you don't own any studio lights, one, or several, you'll walk away knowing several methods to properly light a single-subject in the studio.

Xander Nicolai

The Boudoir Shoot


More information to come...

Scott Plauche

Lighting on the Fly: The Engagement & The Wedding


We'll be having a hands on class, discussing several different methods of lighting while working on the fly at both weddings and engagement sessions. An emphasis will be placed on working with off camera flash, but we'll also work with a few other lighting methods. The ultimate goal of the class will be to better understand how you can best light your client in several situations and to get experience doing so.

Mike Gullett

Digital Photography 101


What is white balance, ISO, file size??? How do I shoot on manual? How does auto focus work the best? Learn the answers to these questions and how to use your digital camera during this workshop. After learning how to use it, you’ll shoot photos and then we’ll download them and learn how to edit them in photoshop in a computer mediated classroom with necessary software available. 

Tonya Tomory

Senior Shoot Out


Will be focusing on shooting seniors in urban locations. We will go through an actual senior session - model included - to show how to choose locations, posing, flattering angles, etc. We will be moving around campus so make sure transportation is available.

Lindsey Walls

Wildlife Photography & Shoot @ Nature Reach Reserve


More information to come...

Roylan Garcia

Videography: Becoming a Duel Threat


Todays photographic industry requires expertise in multiple fields. The most common request from prospective clients is to use your photographic background to produce an attractive video. Learn about the basic skills and gear that is needed to survive an ever demanding industry. Discover the ease of transitioning from photography to videography as smoothly as possible by putting your vision to motion and becoming a duel threat photographer.

Roberts Potts

Black & White Film Developing and Printing


An opportunity to understand photography by shooting film, processing it and creating prints from your negatives. Cameras, film and paper will be provided. 

Sam Clausen

Black & White Workflow and Basic Color Correction


We will shoot and then discuss developing a workflow to get you from camera to print. Step by step instuction and Q&A time included. 

Toute Yang

Lightroom Workflow


More information to come...

Jordanna Perkins

Beginners Photoshop Essentials 


Photoshop essentials for beginners. Developing your workflow, do's and don't's. Things you should always do and things you should stay away from. Bring images with you to use: portrait, landscape, etc. Don't have photoshop? No problem, this workshop will be hosted in a computer mediated classroom with the necessary software available!

Xander Nicolai

Fashion & Editorial Photography


More information coming soon...

Kelley Macek

Master Your Mobile App


I'm teaching a class in mobile phone photography ... gotta few tricks up my sleeve to take your selfies from 'uh...what?' to 'Oh WOW!' as well as some editing tricks to make your instagram photos pop like pro shots. If you've got a smart phone, let me teach you to be a smart phonagrapher using free installed software or one of the more popular apps available from your mobile app store. This is for iOS and Android. I'll even bring the old iPad for you tablet nuts. By the end of the weekend, you will be able to format, order and have published a small book - all from your phone!*


*Should you choose to purchase the book. Average cost is $20. This is not a requirement, and informational only.

Scott Plauche

Off Camera Flash Made Super Simple


We will be taking minimal gear and turning off camera flash shooting into something that's not very scary at all!

Terrance Javon

The Power of Networking


Just like that old commercial about two friends who told two friends who told two more friends, people acquire a vast amount of their knowledge through other people. No book publishing company in the world can move as quickly as the human race when it comes to spreadking information. And Google, as good as it is, can't possibly filter results as well as a connected human being can. The payoff for developing a high-functioning business network can be huge. In this business networking course, participants will learn how to develop and grow their business relationships.

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